Monday, September 24, 2012

Why Joda time?

Joda-Time has been created to radically change date and time handling in Java. The JDK classes Date and Calendar are very badly designed, have had numerous bugs and have odd performance effects. Here are some of our reasons for developing and using Joda-Time:

Easy to Use. Calendar makes accessing 'normal' dates difficult, due to the lack of simple methods. Joda-Time has straightforward field accessors such as getYear() or getDayOfWeek().

Easy to Extend. The JDK supports multiple calendar systems via subclasses of Calendar. This is clunky, and in practice it is very difficult to write another calendar system. Joda-Time supports multiple calendar systems via a pluggable system based on the Chronology class.

Comprehensive Feature Set. The library is intended to provide all the functionality that is required for date-time calculations. It already provides out-of-the-box features, such as support for oddball date formats, which are difficult to replicate with the JDK.

Up-to-date Time Zone calculations. The time zone implementation is based on the public tz database, which is updated several times a year. New Joda-Time releases incorporate all changes made to this database. Should the changes be needed earlier, manually updating the zone data is easy.

Calendar support. The library currently provides 8 calendar systems. More will be added in the future.

Easy interoperability. The library internally uses a millisecond instant which is identical to the JDK and similar to other common time representations. This makes interoperability easy, and Joda-Time comes with out-of-the-box JDK interoperability.

Better Performance Characteristics. Calendar has strange performance characteristics as it recalculates fields at unexpected moments. Joda-Time does only the minimal calculation for the field that is being accessed.

Good Test Coverage. Joda-Time has a comprehensive set of developer tests, providing assurance of the library's quality.

Complete Documentation. There is a full User Guide which provides an overview and covers common usage scenarios. The javadoc is extremely detailed and covers the rest of the API.

Maturity. The library has been under active development since 2002. Although it continues to be improved with the addition of new features and bug-fixes, it is a mature and reliable code base. A number of related projects are now available.

Open Source. Joda-Time is licenced under the business friendly Apache License Version 2.0.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Academic qualification ensure success in life

Success is a relative term and it's meaning differ from people to people and from field to field. One could take economic success as a touchstone to label a person successful in life, ignoring his other failures like Divorce, inability to overcome the hurdle. Others may consider one's ability to overcome the hurdles, irrespective of how much they earn and the nature of their private life.Do school grades and university exam results provides a way of predicting or ensures success in life.If that is true then shouldn't we encourage as many as young people to attend the university and to strive hard to get these certificates.Aren't some college drop outs like Bill Gates and Richard Branson are hugely successful and icon of success. If that is true, then should we automatically consider the millions of people as failures who doesn't get the privilege to attend school and university.

Pros: 1)In todays era, wheather proposing for marriage, applying for job or looking for a business partner, the first thing people will ask you is " what do you do for leaving".In othe word they judge you by your academic qualification. No bio-data , resume or curriculum-vita accepted without mentioning the educational qualification.There for it is an unannounced rule for both corporate and social world that man's acquisition of academic qualification is a giant leap towards opportunities and every walk of life.

2) Attending school will help you in acquiring the knowledge on math,scince and literature. By acquring knowledge in these subjects a person can innovate,calculate and communicate. These essential of success can't be acquire with out professional help and with out going to school and colleges. These certificate are not easy to acquire, a person has to work hard to score high in exam. If there learning is satisfactory then they are given certificate to indicate their competence-academic qualification

3) There are few number of people like Bill Gate, in spite of college drop out that have made it. But can this be generalized? Should i restrain my child from going to school. If Bill gate can made it then you also can make it.A few people success can't be take as general rule. If you look a global directory you will find tiny number of people, who have made it to the top, in spite of school drop out. Success is not about building a huge farm and earning billions of dollar. What about millions of lawyers, doctors and engineers. Aren't they successful. Bill gate wouldn't have made it to the top with out the skill of thousands IT professionals working for his farm.

4)Education broden our thinking and uplift our moral and ethics by exposing us to the great thinker of the past. It enable us to meet people with different background and culture and learn their culture. It makes us aware of our liberties and rights.By knowing our rights will help us activity help us to provide our view in nation building.

Academic qualification in itself is not enough to ensure success in life. But, it indicate that their possess necessary quality to be successful in life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Should women be recruited as fighter pilot?

To be a fighter pilot requires mental toughness and split second decision making ability. It requires extra ordinary courage and resilience. Though I am not denying women can’t match with men in term of courage and resilience but a fighter pilot is certainly not their cup of tea. Let’s not get sentimental about this issue of gender equality. Women are little emotional and in combat zone you have to be ruthless if it’s required to be so. In advance countries like Israel and US, who are having more advanced air system, they also don’t allow women in combat zone.

If we talk about the combat zone we can’t underestimate the consequences if pilot got caught or if pilots are behind the enemy line. In past we have several incidents where our soldiers were brutally killed by our enemy. We can’t ignore the physical and mental torture, which a soldier has to go through once he caught in the combat zone so we must not expose our women to such brutality and sexual harassment.
The amount of money involved to train a fighter pilot is huge and it requires 13 to 14 year flying service by the pilot to recover that amount. If government is spending such huge money in return it expects some commitment from the pilot as well. In emergency they can’t summon a lady pilot if she is pregnant.

Keeping all the above in mind I feel women shouldn’t be recruited as fighter pilot.